Thursday, December 18, 2014

Winter Brushhoggin'

For obvious reasons, I don't get too many brushhogging jobs in the winter.  But this week I was called upon to brushhog a new home purchase just out of foreclosure.  It took the owners FOUR MONTHS to close the deal and when they finished, they called me immediately.  We'd been in contact for several months prior because they wanted the work done as soon as the final paperwork was signed.

As usual, the field mice were the biggest losers in the deal!  They really just hate to see me coming. :)
This is a before picture of hundreds of 1-2 inch diameter trees that had grown out of control.  By carefully backing into them with a solid brushhog at high speed, they can be relatively easily mowed down and chopped into mulch that will bio-degrade relatively quickly
In the 'after' picture, you can see how the trees have been knocked down and can easily be picked up for other uses or mowed over with a riding mower

This was a nice little semi-urban location and it was fun to see the owner's excitement as one more milestone in their project was achieved.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Beautifying an Edmond backyard

This customer had a beautiful backyard but it was full of debris and stumps (which was part of their cleanup process before I arrived.)  In the clean up process, I dug up over 50 stumps and moved almost a dozen large piles of limbs and wood into various piles in prep for small, occasional burns.  These piles would have taken forever to move by hand.

In the before pics, you can see their view barely extended halfway through their yard and from the back of the yard itself, you couldn't even see their house.

The end result looks fantastic!  They now have their backyard back and ready for seeding or whatever they choose.