Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New driveway add-on via a retaining wall

Every now and then I get to work on a project that, when finished, the result is something much more than purely aesthetic.

We're not yet finished but with a couple sessions on-site, the results are working out great.

The young man with whom I've been working is confined to a wheelchair due to a freak swimming incident.  He didn't dive in and hit his head on the bottom of the pool but instead crashed head first into the side of an above ground pool.  The injuries were instant and near deadly.  I'll not go into the full details here except to say that it's been a pleasure to meet this young man and help build a spot where he can park his new wheelchair accessible van.

It was almost dark and absolutely freezing when I finished so I forgot to take pictures of just the dirt.


After - he can now turn his van around at the top of the driveway and not back blindly down the otherwise steep drive.

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