I forgot to take a before picture but imagine a really uneven, rugged, eroded surface and you'll have an idea how it looked before I got started. Obviously it had to be bad to hire someone to get the yard ready for fescue sod.
This is one of the great things about the equipment I operate. Although it has the highest horsepower in its class, it has a pretty narrow footprint. That came in handy as we moved into the backyard. I hung the 6ft box blade from the loader and eased into the backyard. The industrial tires I run are easier on the yard than agricultural tread.
The are by the air conditioner condensing unit was horrible but now the sod will have a nice surface in which to take root.
Here is a picture of the finished yard. We're hoping for very little rain before the sod gets put down so the dirt won't wash out.
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