Monday, March 9, 2015

Bush hog, brush hog, brushhog, rotary mower....shredder???

Every now and then, people refer to brush hogs as shredders (you did know that, didn't you?)  In case you were wondering why, this before and after pic will give you an idea.  It took less than 15 minutes to shred this entire pile of limbs, some of which were oak of almost 2 inches in diameter.

One of the less obvious complications of having something like a brush hog that goes by so many names is when you're a Craigslist addict like me who is looking for a good deal on a used one.  There are no less than five search terms that have a reasonable chance of turning up the bargain I'm looking for.

And there is your brush hog/shredder lesson for today, friends.

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